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Saturn Coaster


The Saturn Coaster Folding Manual Wheelchair is a space saver with flip back armrest
quick release Rear mag rims loading weight 18kg great value at low cost

The New Generation of Saturn wheelchairs have specially designed to give the user
even more from the wheelchair with the following:

Space Saver Flip Back Arm Rests make it easier to go through a doorway,
Wrap around reinforced back upholstery,
Quick Release Rear MAG rims,
Lightweight moulded nylon footplates
All packaged into a more manageable overall weight of 18kg.

The incredible Saturn Coaster is now available from 14” all the way through to a Bariatric 20.” upcharge on 20inch
With a maximum weight capacity load capacity from 120kg to 150kg and the double reinforced crossbars on our 20” sizes upwards.

Specifications: Saturn Coaster

Frame: Single cross brace, powder coating
Front-wheel: 8×1” solid castor
Rear wheel: 24” Quick Release Mag rim with 24×1 3/8” PU tyre
Armrest: Flip back with desk length
Footrest: Swing away footrest
Seat/ backrest: Nylon
Front Fork: Steel
Footplate: Plastic

Do not try to fix or replace any wheelchair part if you don’t feel comfortable doing it.
Make plans to have the wheelchair serviced once a year!
Service and Repairs – Wheelchairs on the Run

Weight 18 kg
Dimensions 82 × 27 × 94 cm
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